
Menu  ( All menu’s are available at the bottom of this page)

Our Full Menu is available every day of the week. There are additional selections available from our Specials Board, during Sunday lunch times and on special days. We also have a lunch time and lite bites menu which also runs alongside the main menu.

Main Menu – Our Menu covers a wide variety of dishes and we are known for our generous portions. Our chefs make many dishes from their raw ingredients. Our classic lasagne or our steak & ale pie made from our own ales is well known within the area. We have many a choice from the lite bite or grill to the vegetarian or fish options, with a fantastic gluten free range.(see link below) Our full menu is available every day of the week including Sundays, Roasts are an addition to the menu.

Lunch Time – Our lunch time menu covers a great range of Jacket Potatoes, Filled baguettes, plus a choice of minute steak and BBQ chicken wraps. Main menu also available during lunch

Specials Board – Inside The New Inn we have 2 specials boards that are used to show customers additional dishes that are available for a short period of time. This varies from week to week and the food can vary from, Haddock & Mozzarella Fishcake, Faggots, Liver & Bacon through to Beef Stew with Dumplings or Hand Made Hunters Game Pie,  plus many more fabulous dishes.

Sunday Lunch – this is a very popular day with many tables selling out weeks in advance. We serve a traditional Sunday lunch, with the usual meats, Lamb, Beef, chicken, and nut (some may vary on the day). all meals are served with full trimming, veg and Yorkshire pudding.

Children’s Menu – We have a great selection of healthy children’s food to choose from and have recently introduced a children’s lasagne. (see link below)

Deserts – Followed by our desert selection of hot fudge cake or Treacle tart, apple pie served with cream, custard or Marshfield ice cream that’s your choice with many more great selections.

BookingWe suggest that if you are booking for a meal you plan a few weeks in advance to ensure you can get a table. large parties welcome.

For a view of our full menu click on the link below


The New Inn Large Party (20+) menu

The New Inn Gluten Free Menu

New -Inn Lunchtime Menu

The New Inn Childrens-Menu

The new inn vegan Menu